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Summer Semester


//July 9th 20th - Aug 4th 2019

Study & Learn Yourself


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// EST. 2001
International Human Rights/ Jesus Got MeYoung Game, Indestre, Low
Empower Yourself, Peers & Family:
Inquire about Our 1 Year Degree (Knowledge of Self) and Our 2 Year Degree (Wisdom and Understanding) U.C.U.C.A.M.


Manifest Your Short Term/ Long Term Goals.


University of the Community/Museum

The University of the Community/ Cultural Arts Museum is a self educational, vocational workshop and Exhibition Gallery. The U.C./M.  Holds classes by its Community Professors and teaches its students the “Thought Process” of the Community Consultants Coalition as an Institution. When students graduate and complete a full course then each graduate will have the opportunity to enter within any branch of the C.C.C. compatible with their educational history and U.C. /M. graduate status. Also members of the Y.G.E .are recommended to study classes in the U.C. /M. Afterwards, submitting a membership application within the C.C.C.


California has been the most Cultural Towards Self Learning and is One of the Innovative Student Cities of the World


Young Genius Empire (Youth Government/Society)


    The Y.G.E. is a youth program that allows individuals up to the age of 24 to work in the field and career of their choice. In addition, the youth will be given a Youth check with a value of Youth Wealth also considered youth program money that is worth a set amount of cash. This agenda creates jobs, allows youth to learn how to pay bills, the responsibility of financial management and gives youth an opportunity to become responsible adults in years to come. Also this process directs council to investment bonds set up for long periods of time in our youth membership accounts.  Donating to the Y.G.E. supports youth into becoming our future leaders.


International Subjects for Students all around the Globe


Subjects are based on Self Education and Some University Standards:

  • Ancient Egypt; PR (Before 1865)

  • Occidental and Oriental Time Zones

  • Hip Hop Culture; Ways & Motivations Aspired Inspirations of African Community

  • The U.S. Constitution; Learn by Memorization as Under Law

  • Mother Nature; Related to Meditation & Reflections

  • Baqeai/ Ma-Le-Dir (Curlan/ Numbers) a Self Taught Language and Numbering System

  • Leadership; Inner Self Taught Leadership/ To Leadership Spirituality; Related to Customs/ Religion

  • Young Genius Empire/ Curtel Fanly

  • (Baqedi Eamka)Youth Banking and Financial System)


Within The University there are classes considered, evaluated, accredited and or equivalent to High School Subjects and Standards for those that have never finished High School and or don’t have a G.E.D. / Diploma. These Students can still take University of The Community Classes Also.


Curtel Students Excel far Greater in Economic Development


 So everyone that signs up for the (Gv Economic Financial Accounts Agreement and Acknowledgement Applications') will have a Gv Personal Account ( and a Gv Financial Account ( and each Account will have Gv Credits- Points in an unknown/specified Amount as Your Current Account Balance based on Students Classes, Agendas, Study- Services, Goals, and U.C.A.M. Business Markets.

Creating Gv Accounts are not a requirement for Students, only those that are interested and have agreed. Members/ Students will learn how to Purchase, Trade, Barter, Sale, Loan, Invest, and interact financially with Gv creating Businesses, Jobs, Communities, Institutions, Benefits, and Family Empowerment by the Projects, Goods- Services, Movements, and Transactions Students and Members partake in.




CFGv Staff, Deans, Professors administering Direct Mentoring 


Professors of every class and subject are required for every curriculum, and study of school’ of thought in what is called an 11 class Project.

 These 11 classes are the thought process of The Curtel Fanly, and C.C.C., including The University, Youth Society, Governance, and Economy.


 Within the University Curriculum and Students Agendas, Projects, Groups, Fratority, Administration, and Staffing The Youth Economy is Implemented and Gv Financial Accounts are opened for The Students/ Members named up above to interact with the Economic flow of Gv, Gv Lamex- Money, Goods, Services, Gifts, and or Classes.


Finish a 1 Year degree in 8 Months or a 2 Year Degree in 16 Months

A One (1) Year Completion Degree: (J.R. - K.S.) JMNXKDCFD NU RDKE (Writing in Baqeai), Janekicod Nu Rake (Pronunciation of Baqeai), Knowledge of Self (English Translation)


 A Two (2) Year Completion Degree: (V.T.-W.U.) VHRCNL  AMC TMCDQRSAMCSMF (Writing in Baqeai), Vhrane ama Taceqisomuhyf (Pronunciation in Baqeai), Wisdom & Understanding (English Version)


 After those last Two (2) Years The Degree of V.T. is to put The Student in the field of their choice. The University and Coalition will advocate for You to meet connections and network to give You business and work based on Your chosen field of desire.


 Example: If You graduate in Hip Hop Culture We will provide a way for You to be in Hip Hop directing positive life Styles, Music, Clothes, and Organization of Empowerment as an Independent means to Individual and Community Success based on the Philosophy and Ideals of The Coalition and University.


 Example 2: If You graduate in Leadership We will teach You how to lead in Your Own destiny or future based on Your Goals in Life by Nominating and or Voting You into Your Community Senate/ Community Congress to partake in creating, building and Governing Your very Own Neighborhood, District, and Community.

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