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Community Consultants Coalition Application (C. C. C.)



The C. C. C. is a system used by various community leaders to provide resources and consultation support for families, individuals, businesses, and members within the community as a whole. The C.C.C. accepts donations to anyone of its branches. Monies, and Goods donated to the C.C.C. will be prioritized and directed to a cause of greater concern than others. The donations made to the Coalition will be available to be paid to our staff in salary quarters. Donating to the C.C.C. specifically will allow every branch to be funded in the correct manner to function properly. This organization leads on an International and Regional level by the integrity in our members and written manuscript.




University of the Community/ Urban Cultural Arts Museum Application


University of the Community/Museum

The University of the Community/ Cultural Arts Museum is a self educational, vocational workshop and Exhibition Gallery. The U.C./M.  Holds classes by its Community Professors and teaches its students the “Thought Process” of the Community Consultants Coalition as an Institution. When students graduate and complete a full course then each graduate will have the opportunity to enter within any branch of the C.C.C. compatible with their educational history and U.C. /M. graduate status. Also members of the Y.G.E .are recommended to study classes in the U.C. /M. Afterwards, submitting a membership application within the C.C.C.


University of the Community/ Urban Cultural Arts Museum


Community Consultants Coalition

1. Overseer Commission

2. Secretary Office

3. Physical, and Emotional, Defense Council

4. Treasure

5. Recorder and Records Keeper

6. Counselor Committee

7. Spiritual, and Religious Commission

8. Public Assembly

9. Central Authoritative Directorate (C.A.D.)


Philosophy and Direction of U.C. / U.C.A.M.

1. Urban Culture (National and International Regional Specifics)

A. East Coast, Midwest, Down South, West Coast history, current, and future in Hip Hop.


B. Capitalizing off of the African American plight from slavery to Trend Setting Mogul’s.

C. Fashions and Fashion Designers, Significant People, Rappers and R& B Singers, Inner City Dances, Slanguage, Foods, Events, and Holiday’s.

2. Self Education within our Community.

3. Integrity/ Morals (Guiding yourself as one who teaches others how to lead)


Young Genius Empire:

1. Youth Positions and Salary structure.

2. Genius Wealth.

3. Doctrine (Ushering Youth into Becoming our Future Leaders).

4. Youth Society/ Government.

5. Bonds of Investment.


Museum Exhibit:

1. Apparel of various kinds (street clothes, diamond and gold chains etc...)

2. Posters, Album Covers, and graphics displayed in a section.

3. Cd’s, Video’s, and Internet Access

4. Statues of Urban Hero’s (Rapper’s, Activist’, Painters, Civil Rights Leaders, Mothers and

Fathers and Youth that are Leaders in Community)

5. Literature based on the Observance of the Museum.


Young Genius Empire Application


Young Genius Empire (Youth Government/Society)

The Y.G.E. is a youth program that allows individuals up to the age of 24 to work in the field and career of their choice. In addition, the youth will be given a Youth check with a value of Youth Wealth also considered youth program money that is worth a set amount of cash. This agenda creates jobs, allows youth to learn how to pay bills, the responsibility of financial management and gives youth an opportunity to become responsible adults in years to come. Also this process directs council to investment bonds set up for long periods of time in our youth membership accounts.  Donating to the Y.G.E. supports youth into becoming our future leaders.


            Youth receives checks every Friday in the amount specified on salary status in Gv. Every Position requires the youth to study the subject course while actually working the said job. Youth can order merchandise and or goods through the Youth Mail/ Order/ Delivery Services to circulate and spend the Genius Wealth. Youth will be taught how to pay bills on a scheduled basis including saving money while thrift shopping based on the venues available to their society. There will be badges and Identification cards along with uniforms issued to every Y.G.E. member to solidify Youth participation.


1. Youth are categorized into “General Assemblies” districts by how many Children Parents and Parent Guardians who give consent for their Youth to participate in the Y.G.E., and are signing in.

Example: Every 5 Parents (children) creates a General Assembly.


2. Presidential Office (122512), Senate Office (122511) are the General Assembly Official Identification Numbers for Smart Art. 4kIdZ


            Youth President Yuguene Genius

            1225 Young Genius Empire (Presidential Office)

            Sm. Art, 122512-122511. Y.G.E.


3. Youth Campaign’s requires all Candidates to have a “Peer Representative” Youth Degree from the U.C. /U.C.A.M. Campaigns very from different age groups and agendas. Campaign rules are governed by the Central Authoritative Directorate which delegates a special commission of Parents, Community Leaders, and Youth to give their opinion in rules and regulations.

4. Youth Bank (122499) has Gv200.000+ Genius Wealth that will stabilize Sm Art for 1 week from

the day of activation. The Youth President must sign authorization to renew the funds from the Treasure every 4th day of the week after the checks are passed out to the recipients.

5. Every Venue/Store must turn in records to Financial Institution of all transactions to keep an economic balance within Sm. Art.

6. Every position and job with salary creates a business and the positions included with running that

Business. Every Youth Business and or Company is funded with an initial Gv5000 to pay for deposit first and last week’s property/ land price and furnishings.

7. The Toll Bridge/ Border range any where from Gv500 to Gv1000 depending if you are within the

the Youth’s Borders. Gv1000 to enter Sm. Art and Gv500 to enter various areas within Sm. Art.

8. A Youth Citizen is ant Youth within any district who may or may not hold a job/ business/ company or position.


            District 1 Smart Arts

Youth President: Gv80.000 = $80.00(122512)

Youth Senate: Gv68.000 = $68.00(122511)

Youth Medic: Gv30.000 = $30.00(122510)

Youth Security: Gv18.000 =$18.00(122509)

Youth Professor: Gv20.000 = $20.00(122508)

Youth Mail/ Order/ Delivery Services: Gv11000 $11.00(122507)

Youth Gardener/ Farmer: Gv800 = $8.00(122506) also can sale gardening/ farming produce for Gv)

Youth Astronaut: Gv50.000 = $50.00(122505)

Youth Philosopher: Gv48.000 = $48.00(122504)

Youth Scientist: Gv52.000 = $52.00(122503)

Youth Architect: Gv40.000 = $ 40.00(122502)      

Youth Archeologist: Gv50.000 = 50.00(122501)

Youth Entertainer: Gv43.000 = $43.00(122500)                                      

Youth Financial Institution Gv100.000 = $100.00(122499)

Youth Sports League000 Gv75.000 = $75.00(122498)                     

Youth Land Owner: Gv43.000 = 43.00(122497)

Youth Construction Contractor: Gv12 00 = $12.00(122496)

Youth Recycle, and Garbage: Gv1100 = 11.00(122495)

Youth Grocer/ Store keeper: Gv1000 = $11.00(122494)

Youth News Paper: Gv1000 = $10.00(122493)

Youth Toll/ Border Authority: Gv30.000 = $30.00(122492)














       Youth Position:
       Youth Official #

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